The main objective behind this establishment is to facilitate the empowerment of the deprived and underprivileged youth. Through the various development programs which we initiate and support in Iraq, we aim to empower the people from the very grass roots; to nurture them and equip them, to allow them to become the future leaders who will lead the country towards political, economic, social and religious prosperity.
We are also involved in campaigns where immediate relief is provided to the distressed and displaced people of Iraq and beyond. Additionally, we are committed towards motivating and ensuring that our youth in London excel as positive members of the local community.
We are in the process of conducting various youth activities and seminars throughout the year to help facilitate for our youth to unlock the potential within them at multiple fronts.
What inspired us to establish the Imam Hussein Charity?
Almost 1400 years the grandson of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – Imam Hussein (peace be upon him and his progeny) bravely sacrificed his soul as he stood to defend the values of humanity. A Divine Saint, A courageous warrior, A compassionate father, A loving Leader – these are but a few of his attributes.
Imam Hussein (peace be upon him and his progeny) has been a source of inspiration towards virtue and purity for over ten centuries. He changed the course of human history – Mahatma Ghandhi, Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle, Antoine Bara are some of the very few individuals who have been inspired by Imam Hussein (peace be upon him and his progeny).
Today, we at IHC are also taking a step towards changing history by establishing a foundation in his name in order to make the world a better place. Be inspired by Imam Hussein (peace be upon him and his progeny) and help towards the betterment of humanity by donating today.
Since we are a community-based charity that is crowd-funded, through collaboration with the different community members and organisations, we aim to create synergies so as to maximise the benefits for all our beneficiaries whilst fostering strong ties of friendship and brotherhood within the different communities in London and beyond. The Imam Hussein Charity is committed to a high standard of ethics and transparency.
In addition to our annual audits, each completed campaign is followed up with a detailed report to provide all our donors and stakeholders with full accountability of how their money is spent as well as to see for themselves the fruits of their contributions.[۱]
Imam Hussein Development & Relief Foundation’s method of operation:
Provides other finance
Provides advocacy/advice/information
Sponsors or undertakes research
Makes grants to individuals
Provides human resources
Provides services
Makes grants to organisations
What services Imam Hussein Development & Relief Foundation provides:
The prevention or relief of poverty
Human rights/religious or racial harmony/equality or diversity
General charitable purposes
Religious activities
Overseas aid/famine relief
The advancement of health or saving of lives
Imam Hussein Development & Relief Foundation provides services to:
People with disabilities
People of a particular ethnic or racial origin
Other charities or voluntary bodies
Children/young people
The general public/mankind
Elderly/old people
Where Imam Hussein Development & Relief Foundation operates:
Throughout england
United states
Imam Hussein Development & Relief Foundation’s charitable objectives:
- A) the relief of financial need and suffering among the poor and victims of natural or other kinds of disaster anywhere in the world in the form of money (or other means deemed suitable) for persons, bodies, organisations and/or countries affected inclUding the provision of medical aid by arranging for the purchase and delivery of aid to such areas, co-operating with others to get aid to the right place, identifying the real needs of those affected by disaster and ways of meeting those needs.
- b) to advance the islamic religion in accordance with the teachings of ahlulbayt as and the advancement of religious harmony by promoting knowledge and mutual understanding and respect of the beliefs and practices of different religions in such ways and by such means as the trustees may from time to time decide;
- c) the advancement of education for the benefit of the general public (including social and physical training) of people of all age groups in the united kingdom in such ways as the trustees may from time to time decide, including, but not limited to, by:
-providing tuition classes, seminars and talks;
-skills training classes for employment purposes;
-making grants to organisations who provide educational services;
- d) the advancemEnt of education among young people in matters of sex and contraception and to develop amongst them a sense of responsibility in regard to sexual behaviour with the aim of preventing and mitigating of the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy, by dirEct help, advice, education and guidance about and access to various types of contraception or fertility treatment, or indirectly by supporting academic research into the causes and effects of unwanted pregnancy or new methods of fertility treatment aNd publishing that research.
e) to further such other purposes which may be charitable according to the law of england and wales as the trustees see fit from time to time.[۲]